Sunday, March 26, 2006

Missing JAAS Config

"Unable to locate a login configuration" JAAS Tomcat

Starting up tomcat as a service on Windows the above error message with stack trace displayed. The file it's referring to as missing is in the folder %CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jaas.config

You need to make sure the system property ""
is defined & this should be a full path to the file. This can be via the -D JVM option. eg:\conf\jaas.config

Depending on whether you run tomcat via "catalina.bat" or the windows service will determine the best place to put this option.

Ok, not a profound solution to start with but it's a solution with a problem description that will hopefully come up in a similar keyword search. I had to scroll to the 6th search result on
which actually isn't too bad.

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