Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stop Hibernate info level logging to Console in WebSphere

websphere hibernate logging info commons logging log4j info SystemOut.log Console stdout WAS7 WAS8.5

The application is packaged with hibernate and configured with log4j logging (to a rolling, application-specific file - hibernate set to WARN level logging) and deployed to WebSphere with parent last class loading.

Despite all this info-level messages are being output to the WebSphere system-out/console log (in WAS_HOME\profiles\[profile_name]\logs\[server_name]\SystemOut.log).

Why is the application log4j configuration (in log4j.properties) being ignored and how can the application's hibernate logging be diverted away from the console?

Various resources on the web describe configuring WebSphere logging or hibernate logging but the bottom of this post on Hibernate and Logging specifically describes this 'leaking' of log configuration/output and how to resolve it.

Create a commons-logging.properties with the content:
... and put this file in the application's classpath (WEB-INF/classes for example).

By default, WebSphere Application Server is installed to use info level tracing (for all loggers that it knowns about). In WAS 8.5 you'll see this in the SystemOut.log:
[22/10/12 12:00:00:000 EST] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  I   TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is *=info.

You can edit this by going to (in WAS 8.5) Application Servers > [server_name] > Troubleshooting | Change log detail levels. You can specify the logging definition in plain text. For example, turning default logging to audit-level and disabling logging for the verbose com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.annotation module (this is a ':' delimited list):
*=audit: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.annotation=off

Alternatively, use the "Components and Groups" section of the interface to expand items of the "tree" and right-click to select custom logging levels for a given "node" (NB for log4j users, the log levels may not match log4j - eg "audit" and "warning" instead of "warn").

Also interesting to note is that without the commons-logging.properties file defined in your web-app you will see every package from your application(s) and their libraries (where classes include logging definitions) included in this "Components and Groups" interface. Therefore if you see org.hibernate.* disappear from this interface you can be certain the configuration has worked.