Friday, March 29, 2013

Use javascript to set text (with newlines) into a textarea - for IE and Firefox

javascript jquery textarea DOM innerHTML newlines carriage return whitespace IE firefox chrome

Setting text with newlines into a textarea using the innerHTML attribute:
<textarea id="source" rows="4" cols="50">
<button onclick="copyText();return false;">copy -></button>
<textarea id="target" rows="4" cols="50">

<script type="text/javascript">
    function copyText() {
        var sourceField = document.getElementById('source');
        var targetField = document.getElementById('target');
        targetField.innerHTML = sourceField.value;

Works in "most" browsers but in IE the text put into the textarea has the newline characters stripped out (replaced with a single space character). Is there a way to make this work in IE? ... and most other browsers?

To make it work in IE, setting the text via inputField.setAttribute("value", [your text]); will preserve the newlines (i.e. the "\n" character in javascript)
var sourceField = document.getElementById('source');
var targetField = document.getElementById('target');

Only problem is that setting the attribute alone is not enough for Firefox (& Chrome - all WebKit?). For the above example, the target field will not appear to have the value from the source (though the DOM will have the value). To get them all to work? Contrive the order in which you set things:
var sourceField = document.getElementById('source');
var targetField = document.getElementById('target');
var text = sourceField.value;
targetField.innerHTML = text; // now Firefox (& Chrome) are happy - but IE has the text as one line
targetField.setAttribute("value", text); // now IE has the text as multiple lines - the change should be imperceptible 

The same code using jQuery (note that jQuery's html() function will still use innerHTML ultimately so is subject to same IE issue with newlines being stripped):
    var text = $(sourceField).val();

Use of innerHTML for managing textarea content - and keeping it in-synch with the DOM - was discussed in the previous post: Firefox does not reflect input form field values via innerHTML. I'll update that post accordingly ...